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C2 - FAQ

Table of Contents

  1. Velcro
  2. Carrying Strap


Velcro for C2, non-stick

Please provide the following information:

  1. Product photos.
  2. Order invoice containing the order number and product information.
  3. Your recipient’s name, shipping address, postal code, and phone number.

Send this information to our email: support@bobovr.com. The warranty period for products sold through our channels is 18 months. Once we have inspected the items, we will arrange a replacement within the warranty period.


Carrying Strap

C2’s carry strap is broken.

Please provide the following information:

  1. Product photos.
  2. Order invoice containing the order number and product information.
  3. Your recipient’s name, shipping address, postal code, and phone number.

Send this information to our email:  support@bobovr.com . The warranty period for products sold through our channels is 18 months. Once we have inspected the items, we will arrange a replacement within the warranty period.

Updated on 20 Oct 2023